Saturday 19 January 2019

Let It Rain


  1. Hello Jemma,
    I really like the idea of you writing your post in a computer diary because it is so creative. Your writing really hooked me in and made me scared that cars were going to melt one day. I also really like how you are so creative with your presentation of your post. Go Jemma!
    Next time you can make it bigger as it was very hard to read.

    Happy Blogging
    Gargee HPS

  2. Will do! Thanks Gargee!

  3. Hi Jemma!

    Woah, I like the way you have presented your work this time Jemma!
    Looks very old, like you have had to go back to using pen and paper next to a lit candle because there is no power... :)

    I can only imagine the melted mess that would result from a acid rain attack on an ince-cream truck - I feel like it would look like those rainbow paddle pops do! :)

    I like the way you have described the environment in your story, it sounds very eerie!
    I would be insane seeing areas that are so familiar to you looking one way being completely changed!
    Did you use anything for inspiration for this story?

    This was a great story to read Jemma, very entertaining - keep up the amazing work!

    Nga mihi,
    Ellee :)


Thank you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.