Tuesday 8 January 2019

Fill in the blanks

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jemma!

    Awesome job with these facts!
    It was so interesting to read this information on the bumblebee - man they are hard workers!!
    You have also presented the information beautifully - Great work Jemma. :)

    Did any of these facts take you by surprise?
    I think I was really shocked at how fast they could go!
    I used to own a scooter that could go about the same speed (54km/h) and it was working so hard to get to that speed... I also felt like I was going pretty fast! :) I think it is amazing that a bumblebee can do the same!

    I was also surprised that they could carry 90% of their body weight in food!
    I think I could only lift maybe 50% of my body weigh and even that is tiring!
    I think if I had to carry around all of my food for the day I would be sticking to light things like rice crackers and popcorn. :)

    Nga mihi,
    Ellee :)


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