Wednesday 19 June 2019

art is better than Tv

Art is better than Tv.
Today I’m here to explain why art is better than TV.
I hope you enjoy! Also, you might even learn a thing or

Argument 1: Health.

Tv has been proved that it is extremely bad for your eyes
if you look at it for too long because of how the TV is
displayed. Some people even say that if you look at a
screen for too long your eyes will go square!

Also, I believe that art makes your brain work harder in
order to draw well. Keep in mind that it makes you
concentrate harder increasing brain power and making
more accurate lines and measurements. In other words,
it makes your brain sharper.

I feel that by drawing you can become much calmer even
if you are very stressed you just let your hand flow, it
doesn’t even have to be a very good drawing.
Sometimes if you just lightly scribble around the page
with a flowing calm hand, you can be relieved of a lot of

Argument 2: Friends.

Firstly in drawing people have a variety of drawing styles.
Like: Anime, Cartoon, Realistic art, Furrys, humans, Etc,
Etc. And some of these drawing styles can be introduced
to you by your pairs may be in school or over a device?
Sometimes this can cause bonds such as friendships
these can be made over like the same or similar styles.

Secondly, Some people may be incapable of drawing
very well, this is what may cause people to watch others
draw or sketch. It may make the person you are watching
very uncomfortable but a lot of people may enjoy being
watched and giving excitement to others this is another
way to make friendships.

Another reason that art i is better is that when you watch
TV your mostly will protoratise the TV than the people
you may be watching it with because you're more
engaged in the TV than your precious friends making t
hem feel left out this can also go both ways like if your friends engaged more in the TV than you!
Argument 3: The finished product.

It is certain that a lot of people LOVE Tv but you can only
get enjoyment out of Tv. Right? You might be thinking
that “oh! But I’m watching Tv with my family that makes it
fine!” no it doesn’t. Therefore you only kill time by
watching Tv.

Some believe that when you really work for on
something really hard that the finished product will be
amazing! Also, Art is hard to make “perfect” so whatever
you make can be your own type if perfect!

In some cases, the finished product can be so good that it
could even end up in a gallery or get sold for money some
paintings are even very famous and are worth millions!
On the other hand with Tv, if you make a Tv show it is still
a style of art even if its a reality show or now a cartoon.


In conclusion, I believe that art is better because you can
really get something out of it it doesn’t hurt or damage
your body in any way and it’s an easy way to pass time.


  1. Jemma we loved your BLOG because we love the pictures of the cats. We liked that you described yourself and your family. The different types of writing was interesting. Your self portrait reminded us of cat woman as we know you always wear cat ears. Thanks for letting us learn from you!

    1. Thank you! its so kind of you to say this about my blog!

  2. Great stuff Jemma! Love your argument regarding art is better than tv.

  3. Ki ora, my name is Kayla, and I am a student in room 14 at Mangapapa School. I really enjoyed how you explained 3 reasons why Art is better than Tv. It was nice that you taught us why it is important to not watch Tv and do more art.Have you thought about adding a picture of your art you have done instead of watching Tv. If you would like to see my learning, my blog link is

  4. Kia Ora, my name is Kelly and I am a student in Room 14 at Mangapapa School. I really liked how you wrote in some facts and persuaded people that art is better than tv. It made me think of when I have spare time, I do more art than watching tv, because I always get headaches if I spend too much time watching the tv. Have you thought about writing a little bit less and maybe changing the font because I think it would make it more attractive? f you would like to see my learning, my blog is

  5. Kia Ora, My name is Peyton and I am a Student In Room 14 at Mangapapa School. I really liked how you Included some Facts into your writing About why Tv is bad for you eyes and why you shouldn't watch Tv for Long. I Like how you said and Good\Understanding Points, Statements and Information About why you think Art is Better than Tv .

  6. hi jemma i really love the discription and you blew my socks of and i really liked reading it.


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