Wednesday 19 December 2018

Weird and Wonderful

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jemma

    Well done with the presentation of this activity. You have once again done a fantastic job. Thank you for showing me your working out to solve this maths problem.
    Three mils is not a lot of water but when you add it up over the whole year it is quite a bit.
    Do you like maths? What is your favourite subject?
    My daughter has cactus plants growing on the window sill in her bedroom, some of them have the biggest prickles on them. You always have to be careful when you close the curtains in there!!

    I hope that you are having a great holiday so far and that you have done or are doing something fun!

    Keep up the fantastic work! I love your presentations, you always do a great job.

    Until next time

    Allie :)


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